Author Archives: Editor

The Many Surprising Uses Of WD40

I honestly believe that if the world was to spiral into a post-collapse society, the entire thing could be rebuilt with duct tape and WD 40! Let’s face it the stuff has been around for ages and I  guarantee that you cannot walk into any home today and they will not have some form of

Get The Most Out of Your Soil With These Simple Steps

When planning your garden there is one thing that everyone must consider and that is the soil. So often people will start gardens and they will take no time at all to prepare the soil before they just jump into the planting. While this method isn’t wrong per say if you want to get the

How To Install A Grass Roof

The first time I noticed a grass roof was not in my neighborhood but an article online. I had no idea that these even existed. Granted after thinking about it I guess it makes sense and even provides some benefits for your home that I would never have thought of. For example, did you know

5 Ways To Get Rid of Mosquitos In Your Yard

As the weather warms up it’s time to look at how we can make our yards inviting and free of those pesky flying annoyances we call mosquitos. There is nothing worse during the beautiful warm days than trying to enjoy it with friends only to be driven inside because you are being eaten alive by

5 Everyday Spices that Have Medical Benefits

Although right now we are not in a “survival mode” of living that does not mean that we do not want to live a more natural lifestyle. As time has progressed the world of science has found many remedies that can help heal or less the pain of any ailment that we have. On many
