Author Archives: Editor

The Benefits of Coffee in a Survival Setting

Coffee has become more than just something people drink, it has become a culture within it’s own industry. Every year coffee companies profit billions of dollars in revenue that all stems from a simple bean that is harvested, roasted and sold across the world. People will argue over which company or brand does it best and

Build This Awesome Camper For Only $150

Now that spring is almost upon us people everywhere are breaking out their camping gear and getting ready for an awesome spring. Campfires, marshmallows, and nature are three of the best things that someone can do to get rid of the stresses of everyday living. Yet there is one thing that I hate about camping

Handyman’s Tricks To Common Household Problems

It’s always good to have a friend who is handy. Especially one that makes his living as a handyman and has done so for years. The reason is they are more than willing to share what they know. There are so many things that go into owning a home that at times it’s impossible to

Toxic Mold Exposure Symptoms

There are so many threats to our health out there that sometimes it’s hard to tell when a headache is due to the day to day stress of life of if it has a more sinister cause. Toxic mold is something that everyone in all climates needs to be aware of and knowing the bodies

Nonlethal Protection That Will Give a Needed Resource: TIME

There are many ways that you can protect yourself from an oncoming predator. Whether it’s human or animal you need to find ways to protect yourself and those that you love. That is why we have been looking into nonlethal forms of protection for preppers, survivalists, and homesteaders. If you are thrown into a post-collapse
