Author Archives: Editor

How To Make a Solar Walkway

If you have looked at your electric bill recently chances are you are noticing that it keeps going up. As more and more people are getting fed up with the greediness of big corporations they are turning to alternative means as a way to save their livelihood and ease up on their checkbooks. They no

15 Fishing Hacks That are so Crazy They Just Might Work

The best part of springtime for me is sitting out on the water in the warm sun, casting my line and listening to nature. It’s the one place where the phone doesn’t ring, people are quiet and I can just enjoy the solitude of the day. Fishing techniques vary from culture to culture. Even here

4 Tape Measure Hacks Most People Don’t Know

While most of us are skilled in some form of the DIY trade there are many people out there that have little to know knowledge when it comes to tools and their many uses. Even if they have a general knowledge of what each tool does chances are that is as far as their knowledge

6 Ways to Repel Spiders and Pests From The Home

Unlike other people, I don’t mind bugs, as long as they stay out of my home, and away from me! We all know that as the spring rains come all of the creepy crawly things that are outside will try and find their way inside and frankly I just cannot have that. Also being the

8 Amazing Survival Hacks Everyone Should Know

We all know that at any moment we could be hit with a societal collapse. We don’t say this to scare anyone but to prepare people for the what if’s because the more that people are prepared the less casualty there will be. I am sure that at this point if you are reading this

12 Ways Vaseline Can Improve Life

I can honestly say that in my entire adult life I have never purchased a single jar of Vaseline. I know as a kid my parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles always seemed to have it around yet somehow that tradition never translated when I got older. I simply never saw a need for it…until
