15 Fishing Hacks That are so Crazy They Just Might Work

  • The best part of springtime for me is sitting out on the water in the warm sun, casting my line and listening to nature. It's the one place where the phone doesn't ring, people are quiet and I can just enjoy the solitude of the day.

    Fishing techniques vary from culture to culture. Even here in the United States, our methods of fishing are broad and different from the variety of regions within our country. Regardless, many who are fishing enthusiasts often love to hear about the different techniques that are found worldwide.

    Fishing can come in the simplest of forms, from tying a hook and line to a stick you found in the woods to the most expensive fishing poles that money can buy. Even still, there are some pretty wacky ways to prepare for your fishing trips, some of which are as easily as recycling!

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