Author Archives: Editor

How To Pick The Right Anvil & Forge for Blacksmithing

There are two common things that come to mind whenever someone mentions blacksmithing: An Anvil & Forge. These two tools are staples of the industry and you cannot accomplish much without them. Having the right set of tools can be daunting but that is why we are here to help. You’ll definitely want to get a high-quality

Don’t Kill Those Weeds! Here is What to Do Instead

Whenever anyone mentions weeds we automatically associate them with something negative. They are a nuisance to our gardens and lawns yet over the years I think that they have somehow gotten a bad rap. If you own a farm, or homestead or simply a couple acres and some cows you may want to pay attention to this

Build a Survival Stove & Use This Unusual Item as Kindling

I have read a lot about the various kinds of ways to keep warm. And believe me, there are many. It seems that everyone has their own opinion about what kind of stove is the best to use and which method is the most environmentally conscious. Regardless of your stance, this is one of those

Make Sure To Stock up on These Foods

By now im sure that many people are gearing up for spring. Looking through their bug out bags and checking to make sure that everything is in order. Yet I bet you that many people do not have these items that could prove valuable in a bug out situation.  Sure, you’re going to have to rough

First 3D Printed House Completed in 24 Hours

I am constantly amazed by the advancements we have in technology. How we are able to take something from a simple sketched out idea and create something out of nothing. What is even more mindblowing is that now we have advanced to the point where we can simply print out things that people can use

How To Make A Hydroelectric Generator

We are always trying to find ways to harness energy in a manner that is not only beneficial to us but has little to no footprint on our surrounding environment. That is why we love this project. It’s simple enough to complete and the materials needed to construct this generator are extremely common. While the

Building a Survival Shower For Less Than $20

Of all the modern conveniences that we take for granted I think showers are among the top of the list. While some may not consider this to be a vital part of surviving I disagree. Not simply from the perspective of it keeps everyone from smelling- after all eventually you would go nose blind to
