Building a Survival Shower For Less Than $20

  • Of all the modern conveniences that we take for granted I think showers are among the top of the list.

    While some may not consider this to be a vital part of surviving I disagree. Not simply from the perspective of it keeps everyone from smelling- after all eventually you would go nose blind to most smells- but for the fact that it keeps you clean and helps to stave off sickness.

    So what do you do if you're in survival mode and there is no shower available? Simple, you make your own!

    Let's look at how we can make a very inexpensive shower from things you may already have laying around your home. 

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    1. Michael Bandeko said:

      While living in the Philippines when I was in the Navy, I learned to shower with just 5 gallons of water. They use a bucket and a Tabo(ladle). I still use it on my homestead.

    2. Marie Watts said:

      What about using a garden sprayer? Uses less water, and is easier – less weight – to haul around.


