Life-Hacks articles

Why We Should Be Stocking Up on Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of those substances with hidden superpowers. After being found deep within the forests of Australia in the 18th century, it was discovered that the leaves of the tea tree created a substance that relieved a variety of ailments. The modern day benefits of this oil have increased drastically since the 1700’s and the

10 Creative Places To Stock Non-Perishables For Those Short on Space

We don’t all have the space in our homes to properly store and organize our belongings and become avid The Container Store shoppers. Nevertheless, we don’t need to skip out on disaster preparation and stockpiling just because we don’t have the space to store non-perishables. There are plenty of other already-existing places within our houses or apartments that

Get Rid of Those Migraines with These Simple Steps

Migraines are one of the most unwelcome and agitating ailments. They can disrupt even the most calming of days and although millions of people suffer from them, there’s not an easy, surefire way to deal with them. Migraines leave you feeling unfocused and unlike yourself. The last thing you want to happen when you’re in the middle

These 3 Folk Remedies Really Work

Save Yourself a Trip to the Drugstore and Use These Instead… Sure, you can run to the drugstore every time you have an upset stomach, and buy an over-the-counter product that will ease your symptoms quickly and effectively. However, sometimes you feel too bad to trek to the store, or maybe it’s bad weather and

15 Fishing Hacks That are so Crazy They Just Might Work

The best part of springtime for me is sitting out on the water in the warm sun, casting my line and listening to nature. It’s the one place where the phone doesn’t ring, people are quiet and I can just enjoy the solitude of the day. Fishing techniques vary from culture to culture. Even here

4 Tape Measure Hacks Most People Don’t Know

While most of us are skilled in some form of the DIY trade there are many people out there that have little to know knowledge when it comes to tools and their many uses. Even if they have a general knowledge of what each tool does chances are that is as far as their knowledge
