Life-Hacks articles

The 6 Aluminum Foil Hacks Are Genius!

They’re So Simple…But So Effective! Sometimes it’s the simplest changes that make like easier and your work more efficient and productive. And while many of us invest big chunks of money in fancy kitchen tools and gadgets, sometimes it’s the most mundane, everyday items that actually make the biggest difference. Case in point: aluminum foil.

5 Fishing Hacks Every Fisherman Should Know

Fishing is such a great sport. There is seriously nothing better than getting out there on the water and not thinking about anything other than the fish you are trying to catch. However, sometimes things can get frustrating out there and anyone who has been fishing for any length of time knows what I’m talking about.

Handy Man Hacks That are Pure Genius

1. Extension Cord Caddy This is something that I feel everyone needs. I know that I have at least 4 of these in my garage because the last thing I want to deal with is a tangled up extension cord! Extension cords are a huge pain and if left bundled up on the floor and

Snow Banking Around Home For Warmth, Does It Work

As the chill of winter is still upon us we are all looking for ways to keep warm. There are some natural ways that we can help stay warm especially if you live in areas where large amounts of snowfall for weeks or months at a time. There are some theories going around on how

10 More Uses for WD-40 Everyone Needs To Know

I honestly believe that WD-40 is one of the most invaluable tools that you could ever own. It seems that there is no end to its’s uses and the more we try to find an end the further the road seems to go. Not that it’s a bad thing, in fact, some of these uses

Steps To Stop Eye Twitching

Having a constant or semi-constant eyelid twitch can be annoying and even embarrassing. Worst of all it might feel like you don’t have any control over it. It’s true that twitching is caused by involuntary muscle contractions, but understanding the causes of these contractions can make a difference in your ability to address them and
