Author Archives: Editor

Why We Shouldn’t Overlook the Lever-Action Gun

When it comes to required equipment a rifle is any survivalist’s “required equipment.” The versatility of a rifle surpasses many other weapons and it is worth its weight in gold should a SHTF scenario unfold and it needed to be used to barter with! Of all the different types of rifles, the lever action rifle was

2 Options For EMP Prepardness

EMP attacks have been a threat for quite some time.  In fact, as technology advances and our lives become more and more dependent on technology the threat grows. It was only two generations ago that our grandparents lived a life “off the grid” compared to the life that we live today. Many of us have

Fuse Parts Together Without The Cost Of An Expensive Welder

There are some projects in the DIY universe that take a lot of experience. Welding is one of those areas that it really depends on the complexity of the project and the tools at hand on whether or not the average joe can attempt it. Have you ever wanted to fuse two parts together but

5 Ingenious Survival Uses for Bamboo

When we are looking at creating a world where we can survive in post-collapse or off the grid completely we have to start thinking outside the box. There are many things that grow around us that can be used in various ways. We often overlook these things because we simply lack the know how to utilize them.

With The Threat of a Nuclear War Which Cities are at Risk?

We do everything we can to prepare for the worst. We stockpile food, water, medical supplies and the like but in all honesty, I don’t know anyone who sits around actually wanting something to happen. Yet right now we find ourselves glued to our phones, tablets, and televisions wondering with the state of things in Syria,

Wild Horse Attacks Alligator in Florida Park

As someone who was born and raised in this general area, I can tell you first hand that this particular park is filled with all sorts of alligators and other wild animals. Any day of the week, if you are just passing through you, can keep your eyes out and usually see a few gators sunbathing

12 Ways To Use Aspirin That I Never Expected

When I think of Aspirin I think of those BAYER commercials where they teach you about how aspirin is good for your heart. I always remember there being aspirin around the house as a kid. I never touched it of course, but I often wondered why there was so much of it and apparently, the
