Author Archives: Jordan London

8 Ways to Make Money While Homesteading

8 Ways to Make Money While Homesteading

There are endless benefits to living off the grid: finding relaxation, becoming closer to nature, increasing independence and self-sufficiency, dealing with fewer costs, etc. As a result, it’s not surprising that starting a homestead has become a popular living situation. While it certainly costs less overall to live like that, your expenses can still add

How To Make an Electric Shocker

There’s an endless supply of DIY projects out there! They keep us from having to take trips to the Home Depots and Lowes of the world and they keep us from having to deplete our bank account. Even if you’re not an expert in the tool shed, you can still complete DIYs with a family

6 Hot Springs Everyone Must Visit!

Have you been able to take a minute to relax recently? The weekends come and go so quickly that it’s easy for us to get caught up in the stress and chaos of day-to-day life. If you’re considering treating yourself to a spa service, you might want to take it a step further and venture

6 DIY Projects for Those Leftover Beer Bottles

Beer is an American staple, particularly during the spring and summer months when backyard BBQs and beach parties happen all the time. You might cherish a certain type or brand of beer or you might be an adventurous beer drinker and want to try different kinds. Regardless, you probably have a couple of beer bottles

9 Tips on How To Pack a Bag Military Style

Traveling is something most of us love to do. It usually signals a vacation, an exciting business trip or another positive experience is coming. However, traveling does not come without its stressful moments. Usually, those stresses are centered around plane schedules, time… and packing. For all of the organization experts out there, you might love to

How To Make an Automatic Chicken Feeder

Owning a homestead or farm can be a lot of work. There are plenty of things that require your attention and routine, including your animals. You have to ensure that they are in a safe environment with plenty of food. Chickens are a common farm animal that requires your care. Whether you’re new to owning

How To Forge a Viking Axe

One of the cool things about blacksmithing it its history. The job has been around for centuries and despite the way the world and the human race has evolved, blacksmithing has remained relevant. Today, we need blacksmiths for everything from tools to artwork. By becoming a blacksmith either as a hobby or as a career,

How To Know When Prepping Has Gone Too Far

Life is all about balance. You can have dessert if you balance it out by having a healthy dinner. You can spend the weekend out late with friends if you worked hard at the office during the week. Without balance, our lives would not go as smoothly as we want. The moderation is what keeps us

The Top Health Threats That Could Be Fatal After SHTF

Movies and television shows like The Walking Dead have popularized the idea of an apocalypse. We often jokingly think about the desolate society that would appear in the wake of such a disaster. Sure, the concept of fighting against zombies or battling for food makes for quality entertainment, but how well off would we actually be
