Author Archives: Jordan London

5 Old Wives Tales That Are Surprisingly True

5 Old Wives Tales That Are Surprisingly True

We all love our grandmothers for their years of wisdom and their willingness to always give us guidance. We trust them because they’ve been through many different experiences and situations that result in such sage advice. Sometimes, though, we think they take it too far by offering “age-old advice” that often rhymes or sounds ridiculous

15 Amazing Things To Do With Vinegar

Our backyards are sanctuaries filled with nature, fresh air and if you have kids or dogs, plenty of toys. A backyard also gives us the option of maintaining a garden, especially when spring rolls around. Growing bright flowers and healthy food in our backyards is an opportunity many of us will take if we have the space. It can flourish

5 of The Best Medicinal Plants To Grow

Our backyards give us the chance to grow our own plants and create our own garden. The kind of plants we have can vary from aesthetically-pleasing flowers to useful vegetables and herbs. It’s convenient to be able to step into our backyards and grab flowers for a guest room nightstand or pick fresh basil for

6 Shockingly Simple DIY Lights Made From Wine Bottles

As spring and summer unfold, we’ll be spending more time in the refreshing outdoors. The change of the seasons can also make us feel like changing our home decor. We want new and unique things adorning our homes, particularly if we like to entertain. With our busy schedules, we often don’t want to spend the

14 Out of the Box Ideas for Using Tree Logs.

Nature offers us numerous benefits: relaxation, fresh air, calmness, resources, etc. We have trees to thank for that fresh air since they produce the oxygen that we and so many other species need to survive. As a result, it’s tragic to watch forests be bulldozed for human benefits like construction. One way to make sure

10 of the Most Hard To Get Items When a Crisis Hits

Regardless of where you live, the probability that you’ve faced some sort of disaster is high. You know what it can be like in the aftermath: chaotic and frightening. Besides the fact that you’re worried for your safety, you’re also worried about the accessibility of essential items. You may have stockpiled goods in advance of

11 Amazing DIY Brick Ideas

Our homes are places of security and relaxation so it’s not surprising that we want to make them as cozy as possible. Bricks are a material that can transform the coldest and starkest space into a welcoming environment. It’s highly sought after as the exterior material for homes, particularly in northern regions, for this reason.
