What Is The New Madrid Fault Zone & Why Are People Concerned About It Splitting Off Part Of The U.S.

  • Have you ever wondered what the U.S. would look like if split in half?  Well according to a U.S. Geological Survey that was released if the worst occurs we just may find out.

    It's not enough that our country is split in half politically now we have to worry about a literal split!

    For those that are unaware of what the New Madrid Fault is let me explain. As many of you may already know the United States has quite a few fault lines lying underneath its beautiful surface. The most popular being the San Andres Fault out west.

    While the San Andres is also a fault line they are watching there are reasons that they fear the New Madrid Fault more and that is because it is six times larger than the San Andreas and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

    So let's take a look at what would happen and who would be severely affected by a rupture along this fault line.

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    1. Joe Wenzel said:

      Sadly anything is possible….technology being to edvance all the waist sooner or later we will be the dinosaurs when the world recycles itself to survive nothing anyone does will save them

    2. Jared Paul-Thomas Cobb said:

      Lets not forget archepalego, where the americad where ince apart of africa and europe. Then a massive earthquake happened and voila

    3. Jerry Gillespie said:

      Libs and thinkers??? probably not but a glass not quite full is a plus because there’s now room for more beer.

    4. Donald Phillips said:

      Moved to AZ in ‘ 86. Been hearing a big one would sink California and we would have beach front properties here in the desert. Now 31 years later I’m still waiting.

    5. Jack W Hallmark said:

      Marion Merrill How many fault lines are involved with New Madrid, versus the fault lines that directly intersect the caulker at Yellowstone?

      • Victoria Hammond said:


    6. Danny Lamb said:

      This page “could” post something worth while, but that’s not likely to happen either.

    7. Josh Sanford said:

      Jack W Hallmark these people are nothing but pavement pounders and only know how to find fast food.

    8. Dustin Cook said:

      The most powerful earthquakes in modern time have caused uplifting or subsidence on the scale of a few meters, but cracking a continent in half is a pipe dream. The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs didn’t even cause that level of crust displacement and that impact effected the rotation of the planet slightly.

    9. Jack W Hallmark said:

      Josh Sanford Yeah, the kind of idiots who probably think that a bugout bag is for avoiding insects.

    10. Michael Nonya said:

      Absolute bullshit scare tactic next theyll want us to throw trillions at it.

    11. Mark Johnson said:

      So the Rockies will sink and will become part of the ocean ? Bahaha BULLSHIT!!!!!

    12. Jacqueline Coley said:

      David Varnado You are correct, I live about 4 miles from the lake and 15 miles from the Mississippi River. We have tremors daily on other sides of the river.

    13. Bob Schwaller said:

      I will let you all know when the big one hits. I’m right on the fault line.

    14. Jack W Hallmark said:

      Marion Merrill The dangers of what? Dealing with dumbass keyboard commandos that automatically assume anything about anyone?

    15. Marion Merrill said:

      I don’t assume$#%&!@* but leave link for you to read or not don’t matter to me. I lived next to the caldera for 10 years and live near another with a lower VEI of 7 currently. Fully aware of what they can do. But I don’t limit or judge for just one.

    16. Billy Turner said:

      I live in western ky we prob have about one or two earthquakes a month been here for 33 years and this only started about last year I think the largest one has been 3.8


