What Is The New Madrid Fault Zone & Why Are People Concerned About It Splitting Off Part Of The U.S.

  • Have you ever wondered what the U.S. would look like if split in half?  Well according to a U.S. Geological Survey that was released if the worst occurs we just may find out.

    It's not enough that our country is split in half politically now we have to worry about a literal split!

    For those that are unaware of what the New Madrid Fault is let me explain. As many of you may already know the United States has quite a few fault lines lying underneath its beautiful surface. The most popular being the San Andres Fault out west.

    While the San Andres is also a fault line they are watching there are reasons that they fear the New Madrid Fault more and that is because it is six times larger than the San Andreas and it covers portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

    So let's take a look at what would happen and who would be severely affected by a rupture along this fault line.

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    1. Ryan Celaschi said:

      God’s word says there will be a world wide quake.
      God doesn’t lie. Keep laughing people

    2. Ed Perry said:

      Lets hope when it splits, the river is deeper and faster than the Rio Grand to cut down on$#%&!@*Eastern Liberals coming West.

    3. Debra West said:

      So much has to happen beforehand. Frightening to who? Your great great great great great great great grandkids? People will probably have evolved into something else by the time this happens

    4. Eric Siapkaris said:

      IdK about that map maybe a magnitude 15.0 might do that? And even so it would take a shift in the mantle below the surface for something that catastrophic. Look YES there would be MAJOR damage if a 7.7 hit but NOTHING would compare or is even in the same catagorie and that is if Yellowstone decided to go and that my friends would be on global scale

    5. Jack W Hallmark said:


      Go learn some honest geophysics before posting this tripe.

      Besides, Yellowstone is the one to fear.

      Not New Madrid, not San Andreas, Yellowstone.

      New Madrid won’t do squat, and San Andreas will only clean up America by allowing Crapifornia to fall into the ocean.

      Yellowstone goes up, it will geologically raze the continent from the Rockies to the Appalachias, and from Texas/Oklahoma to the Arctic circle.

      And create a new inland ocean.

      And everyone on, in and above this planet will know it, and be affected by it.

      • Victoria Hammond said:

        I think if Yellowstone blows, the sky will be filled with volcanic ash that will KILL ABSOLUTELY EVERY LIVING THING ON THE PLANET!!!! The END, THE TOTAL END OF ALL LIFE ON EARTH!!!!!! So it will not matter if the New Madrid and The San Andreas quakes smash together to reshape the geology. EVERYTHING WILL BE DEAD!!!! No possible AIR TO BREATH, the oceans covered with ash, the plants all creatures ALIVE AT THAT DAY WILL BE DEAD WITHIN THE NEXT COUPLE DAYS AS THE ASH PLUME COVERS THE PLANET!!! We would ALL BE DOOMED!!! Period!!!!

    6. Jeffery McCann said:

      Well we certainly cannot call it Hillary’s fault….she is to claim for nothing

    7. Jon Myers said:

      Didn’t Obama already do a good job of dividing the country???

    8. Darrell Wolf Orbison said:

      Wow are you so blind you can’t see what’s happening all over the world, there will be an event that causes this to happen

    9. Mark Worrell said:

      Most of those liberal cities will be GONE! Yippie!

    10. Jeffrey Meserve said:

      Guess this is mild compared to an eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano…

    11. Destal White said:

      Well im damn near at ground zero according to the picture. Guess im screwed

    12. Rick Shane said:

      Darrell what event will cause all of these things to happen?

    13. Anonymous said:

      Yea, let’s cheer for the death of millions of innocents.

    14. Paul Thompson said:

      You Ignorant$#%&!@*Liberals LMAO Must be a Liberal Page to Post this Kind of Trash. YOU GOT TO GO !!!

    15. Todd Karrick said:

      According to new map, I’m setting on property just couple miles from new shore line in S.W. MO That can’t be ALL bad lol

    16. Rick Shane said:

      George straight predicted this years ago…. Ocean front property in Arizona…who knew? If you live in the circled area, build an arc, call your self noah however dont declare you gender, load said arc with all the liberals in the land, because thats what sheeple do. Then the gun toting folks can decide where you can take port. I would suggest mexico.

    17. Daniel Boone said:

      Natives also talk about$#%&!@*changers and drink hairspray in water 🙂

    18. Pat Putnam said:

      That’ll scare me and concern me as much as the San Andreas fault line suddenly fracturing cause California to go the way of Atlantis. If you can’t detect the sarcasm, let me clear it up… Your talking about a problem that could happen over millions of years… in school I was taught people in L.A. county would be swimming for dear life by now… so far… well, look at a map.

    19. Ken Larsen said:

      if California hasn’t dropped off into the ocean yet, I seriously doubt this will happen in the next million years

    20. Andy Pecenka said:

      And how will stem the flow of libtards coming from Cali, Oregon and Washington state? More than just east coast libtards.

    21. David White said:

      After like 20 million years don’t worry though we will destroy planet Earth before this i promise lol

    22. Tracy Johnson said:

      If it would just divide Hollywood from the rest of the US, that would be a good thing!


