Garden articles

6 Plants That Are Beautiful and Taste Great

Edible Landscaping Is Something Anyone Can Do! We’re always looking for ways we can accomplish two things with one action, especially if it’s something important that we can achieve by taking a seemingly simple, everyday action that’s something we might do anyway. That’s why we love the idea of edible landscaping. Not only are you

6 Steps to Happy, Healthy Fruit Trees in the Winter

After a season of harvest and hard work on the farm, you may be ready for that well-deserved winter rest. Don’t doze off just yet. There are a few things to tend to first, including your fruit trees. It might seem like a lot of work, but the steps are pretty straightforward; they include insulation,

These Are Our Top 4 Tips for Starting Seeds Indoors

Your Plants Will Thrive Like Never Before! When it comes to gardening, you may think there’s just no substitute for the great outdoors and all it brings, including abundant sunshine and plentiful rain water to nourish your seeds and ensure they grow into thriving, healthy and beautiful plants. However, even if your garden thrives during

Include All The Key Elements of an Outdoor Space

Any outdoor space you have should be an extension of the personality that you have showcased inside. This is easy to do if you keep in mind the key elements of outdoor space. This will be the place that you go to to relax and unwind after a long day, so if you leave out any

The Forgotten Edible Plants of our Ancestors

Over time there are things that we forget. Ways of life that fall to the wayside because other things come along and take away our attention. The same goes for gardening and survival. If you look at your garden or any produce aisle, you are bound to find the basics, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes. Our ancestors
