Garden articles

Must Know Information Before Planting Fruit Trees

The bright and flourishing plants of spring provide us with an infinite amount of inspiration. If you have a garden, you’re probably getting all of your seeds planted if you haven’t already done so. But, what if you wanted to plant something different or take your gardening to the next level? An orchard would do

These 8 Seeds can be stored for 5 years

If you’re an avid gardener, then you have a collection of tools and tricks that have served you and your garden well. The success of your garden not only depends on the weather, but also the type of plants you cultivate and the care you give to them. It probably took some trial and error to

Cholesterol Lowering Weed Hidden In The Yard

It’s one of the downsides to owning and maintaining a yard: weeds. You try to use chemicals, sprays and some good, old manpower to pull out and get rid of those pesky plants. Weeds are the enemy of any garden. They can quickly become overrun and tarnish the overall fresh aesthetic of your chosen plants.

These Yard Tools Are Worth The Splurge

Your yard is the gateway to your home. The plants you use, the pruning and the condition are all representations of who you are. A flourishing yard can transform an simple and plain home into an eye-catching property. And that’s just the front yard. Your backyard can create an entirely new space for your home by

5 Space Saving Secrets For Greenhouses

Have a garden or are thinking about starting one,  its success can revolve around its space and location. You want to grow as many plants as possible, particularly if you live off-the-grid and rely on that garden as your food source. As the plants grow, space quickly becomes limited. On the one hand, you’re glad the

The Growing Trend Of Straw Bale Gardening

Off-the-grid living has become increasingly popular for many reasons. The ability to be independent, lower monthly costs and live more naturally is attractive to those looking to escape from the chaos of modern life. A large part of switching to an off-the-grid lifestyle is creating a self-sustaining source of energy and food. If you do a simple
