Author Archives: Editor

3 States To Avoid When SHTF

As society has progressed we have built many great things. We have created and established towns cities and states that are supported by the most thought out infrastructures that for some countries are simply mind boggling. Throughout the 50 states, there are places that are connected beyond the scope o anything our forefathers could have envisioned.

How To Make an Outdoor Griddle That Will Impress Everyone

Summertime is the perfect time to break out the grill, invite some friends over and cook some food while enjoying the warmth of the summer. It’s a great way to enjoy your time off and to make memories with friends and family. If you don’t have an outdoor grill, or simply like to have large parties

How To Build a Wood Pallet Bench in 5 Steps

Wood pallets are one of the most versatile items to have around for any level of DIYer. There is an endless number of projects that can be accomplished with some creativity, ingenuity and a good set of tools. The first project that comes to mind is one that I did a long time ago and still get

15 Trees Known For Harming and/or Killing Livestock

There is a lot of debate over this topic in homesteading circles. Anytime you are mixing nature with livestock you want to make sure that the fruit or foliage it blooms will not harm your livestock in any way. Even if the outcome isn’t lethal you want to make sure that they are not, in

Man Captures Raw Footage of Bear Attacking a Cow

While animals are beautiful creatures we always need to keep in mind the sheer raw power that they have. This video is a great reminder. On his way for a day of fishing, a man happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch nature in all of its National Geographic
