Man Captures Raw Footage of Bear Attacking a Cow

  • While animals are beautiful creatures we always need to keep in mind the sheer raw power that they have. This video is a great reminder.

    On his way for a day of fishing, a man happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch nature in all of its National Geographic form. The ferocity of the bear, the docile nature of the cow- these are two things that should not have crossed paths but yet somehow on this day all three of them found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    There is no way to know why the cow was even out in the woods, to begin with. My guess is he must have wandered off a farm nearby but what is really interesting is the way the bear practically hunts the cow. We are seeing instinct in action.

    Want to see more? Keep reading but we warn you, while the video is not gory it is violent, so if you have young children you may not want to watch in their presence.

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    1. Elaine Decker-Knott said:

      the bear is killing somebodies livestock and will kill again. It has to be distroyed or relocated.


