4 Kinds of Preppers To Avoid

  • They say if you look at the 5 people are around the most that is who you are like. It's true that humans just as animals, run in packs. We gather around those that we know, like and trust. Yet when SHTF do we really know how those around us will respond. If not we should, because this could mean survival or chaos where our groups are concerned.

    There is no doubt that in the world of prepping there are many different kinds of personalities. I am sure through your travels you may have met many different kinds. Unfortunately, there are only so many that we can trust. It's not that they are unaware of this fact, they understand us and we know where they are coming from. On the world of prepping there has to be a certain amount of secrecy between preppers and we all know this to be true.

    While your intentions may be honorable there are those we have to keep a close eye on. There are some survival extremists out there that, despite their good intentions, can actually be toxic to our way of life — even if we think we are experiencing the same lifestyle!

    So keep reading because we have compiled a list of 4 types of preppers we must avoid at all cost during a crisis situation. They may otherwise be good people but some, generally speaking, cause red flags to come up during your interaction with them.

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