Author Archives: Editor

Decisions in Blacksmithing: The Ever Important Anvil & Forge

When you start out as a blacksmith the amount of equipment you need can seem daunting. if you have had little to no experience in this field you may become overwhelmed with all of the decisions that you have to make.  However, with so many choices out there, and so many new ones introduced each year

7 Tips on How to Loosen a Frozen Nut, Bolt, or Screw

In my time as a diy’er I have come across a bolt or two (or ten) that just won’t seem to budge. No matter what you do they are bound and determined that they are staying right where they are. Many times I have found this when trying to piece together a new project from older

5 Fishing Hacks Every Fisherman Should Know

Fishing is such a great sport. There is seriously nothing better than getting out there on the water and not thinking about anything other than the fish you are trying to catch. However, sometimes things can get frustrating out there and anyone who has been fishing for any length of time knows what I’m talking about.

7 Instant Winter Shelters Found in Nature

There is nothing worse than being stuck out in the cold. There is no telling when or if we will ever be in a situation where we need a shelter but it’s always good to know where to find one. When you are out in the wild you can always build yourself a shelter but

How To Make Carving Knives from Hacksaw Blade & Custom Box

A large part of the DIY movement is woodworking. Being able to build things with your hands is an amazing talent that not everyone possesses. A big part of that is having the right tools at your disposal. Now if you’re just starting out or if you don’t feel like spending an arm and a

Knowing The Knife Laws Where You Live

One may think that carrying a pocket knife is something that is pretty harmless and well within everyone’s rights as citizens but did you know that not every state allows this. Each state has its set of rules and regulations regarding what is okay and what is not okay when it comes to carrying a knife.
