In Some States Kids Can Now Be Fined For Mowing Grass for Profit With No Permit

  • It seems that gone are the days where you could hire your neighbor's entrepreneurial go-getter of a child to cut your grass in exchange for money.

    Now that summer is here it seems that it is almost a right of passage for the business minded child or teen to create flyers offering their services to help neighbors mow their lawn. Heck, it just isn't summer without the smell of freshly cut grass in the air, but that may all soon change.

    It seems that there are sections of this country that feel those kids should have a permit before mowing one blade of grass in exchange for money. As crazy as it sounds it's true. so let's look at the details of this new way of thinking and see if it will soon be affecting your area.

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    1. Dion Price said:

      These politicians must have stake in a landscaping company and its taking their business. . Last thing we need is more regulations,especially on kids that want to earn a dollar by working hard ,,what does that teach them?

    2. Buford Thomas said:

      Can’t have those ambitious kids taking jobs away from those poor abused illegals!

    3. Jorge Martinez said:

      When I see liberalism the cilor and the beaty of life desappear in my eyes.
      Nothing is pure and honest arround it.

    4. Chip Tipton said:

      Start brain washing them early in life, to our unconstitutional tax system. You must have permission to mow the Kings grass…..

    5. Jack Bozarth said:

      Lawn service companies must have permits. Why not individuals? Without insurance on the worker the home owner is open to huge civil liability.

    6. Jo Lewien said:

      Have to be able to prove profit first. Gifts and donations are another story.

    7. Julie Koepnick said:

      Really? Taking every bit of the golden out of childhood! First leamonade stands, now this!

    8. Alofa Taufi said:

      What about ILLEGALS that are mowing peoples grass ILLEGALLY? Pay NO TAXES.

    9. Darrell Warner said:

      Right up there when kids could make a little money selling lemonade with their homemade lemonade stands. There were a lot of them around back in the days, but that has come to a stop with new laws and regulations. 🙁

    10. Bud Miller said:

      I ran a service for 24 years and most of the kids I hired learned the value of hard work. I also helped 7 kids get started in that business and a cleaning service as well. Most are making 40k to 100k a year with no college and are hiring more kids. around here a kid can make 35 to 70 a hr and that beat MickyD’s anyday The government only wants tax money and proses like they concern themselves with the kids safety

    11. Matt Noah said:

      Arrest me then ! Take away my lawn mowers ! Take the clippers from my kids hands!! Wait let me grab my ankles as you give it to me real good !! You politicians can kiss my big white butt!!!

    12. Loretta O'Connor said:

      another way to make kids lazy and rely on the government and the tax payers for everything

    13. Marlin N Darnell said:

      kids cannot mow grass for money but planned parenthood cah murder babies for profit and congress approves of it.

    14. Chuck Nalan said:

      My brother and I would of stayed in trouble,we made money in summer mowing glass and in winter shoveling snow, mid time,picking up scrap metal and fags and on Saturday, pulling wagons to junk yard to sell and make going to the movie money !!thinking back, it was a great time !!!

    15. Tom Balgenorth said:

      That’s just fked up Dem regulations to squeeze every penny out of people including children! Its time to wash that party down the drain!

    16. Frank Leonard said:

      To fix that problem recall any city officials like council members and replace with people who believe in free enterprise and giving children a right to work!

    17. Sharon Cline said:

      This is such a mistake kids need to learn how to make money in summer .

    18. Phyliss Miller said:

      I guess the politicians would rather the kids rob people on the street or break into houses to get their spending money…

    19. Akira Kawika said:

      What if they are doing it for “free” (non-profit) and are only accepting donations? Would that be a work around?

    20. Allan Stark said:

      Without a permit? No one in American has the right to confer or deny such a permit.

    21. Nicole Styron Woodall said:

      I cannot see this seriously enforced. Where we live in Alabama, law enforcement cannot even be bothered to ticket drivers who don’t signal or litter. Why should they care about such pettiness with kids mowing lawns?

    22. Gary McIntosh said:

      Get all these socialists out of the USA. I get feeling were on verge of a Civil War, everyday they are hysterical about something, and normal people are getting tired of it, and Pissed Off!!!

    23. Ann Ney said:

      Omg what has this world come to. Kids can not even more grass!!!!!

    24. Chuck Burkett said:

      That’s because kids are taking jobs away from the illegals. Come on people,Americans aren’t suppose to work

    25. Chuck Burkett said:

      You won’t see illegals shovel snow. Them fuckers hate the cold weather

    26. Chuck Burkett said:

      Because it’s easier to harass just one or two kids in a yard than it is to stop a car

    27. Paul Lyshaug said:

      Another WTF moment. Mowed many of the lawns in the neighborhood, starting in 6th grade to pay for my ski pass & ski racing.

    28. Arvid Davis said:

      If this is true it’s beyond moronic! You dipshits need to concentrate on real problems.

    29. Tina Bell said:

      Any act that we can do ourselves but that can also be studied and used professionally is now being regulated. How in the$#%&!@*are we supposed to teach our kids to do anything if they take a chance of going to jail just for mother fucking learning. Cutting hair is on the list too. Pretty soon we won’t be allowed to clean our own house or change our kids diapers. God I’m sick of this crybaby mentality and the insane measures the government takes to appease it while dumbing down society in the process.

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