In Some States Kids Can Now Be Fined For Mowing Grass for Profit With No Permit

  • It seems that gone are the days where you could hire your neighbor's entrepreneurial go-getter of a child to cut your grass in exchange for money.

    Now that summer is here it seems that it is almost a right of passage for the business minded child or teen to create flyers offering their services to help neighbors mow their lawn. Heck, it just isn't summer without the smell of freshly cut grass in the air, but that may all soon change.

    It seems that there are sections of this country that feel those kids should have a permit before mowing one blade of grass in exchange for money. As crazy as it sounds it's true. so let's look at the details of this new way of thinking and see if it will soon be affecting your area.

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    1. Tammy Russell said:

      This is ridiculous. Why would children have to buy a permit to make what very few dollars they get enough is enough

    2. Jerry Johnson said:

      A teen isn’t old enough to sign contracts or start a business and shouldn’t be fined for it.

    3. Terri Scofield said:

      Permit this…license that….really?!! …watch out neighborhood lemonade stands..

    4. Gerrit Brink said:

      They should rather be checking for green cards on the people complaining…

    5. Megan Lewis said:

      They’ve been doing that for years. In the 90s my cousin and I got a fine for having a lemonade stand.

    6. Gary Grey Crocker said:

      Only adults under our laws can agree to sign legal documents, get licenses, etc. (Yeah, I know, fishing licenses for teenagers is an exception in some states). Money-grubbing politicians just looking for more chances to steal from their citizens!!

    7. Greg Scott said:

      Government alwAys with hands in our pockets. Just another “tax” disguised as a permit. Having to buy our rights and liberties back at a cost, paid to a corrupt system put in place to control the populace with fear of harsh penalty if we don’t comply.

    8. Jr Bass said:

      f**k the government that was my first job and it made me have a work ethic you fucktards you forget you work for us and when we all realise that you are screwed!!!

    9. Brian Dirks said:

      Lemonade stands already require permits in most communities. Just takes one neighbor to complain to code enforcement or the local police.

    10. Dakota Murray said:

      Nobody can do$#%&!@*these days without the government having there dickskinners in the money pot smh this is how I bought my school clothes growing up

    11. Mike Chiazza Sr. said:

      Heard on news the other day. It started as a bunch of adult landscaping business owners complaining they were losing business. Somewhere in alabama. Don’t think it was passed yet. Just one little city from the report

    12. Guillermo Plascencia said:

      So. How supost my kids go to learn responsibility.? ?? In the gangs ??? Stealing ?? O being lazy couch potato ?? Or playng games
      Or being coyote? ???
      We tray so hard to make are kids. Good citizens. But with this politics is very hard. This is why
      America have the most high population in the jails ….. Everything. Is against The law to sad!!!!!!

    13. Daniel Norling said:

      People say kids are lazy, but when kids are motivated to work and make money states pull this crap?

    14. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

      We have too many in government service. Here’s where we can start trimming. If you landscapers were worth a crap, you wouldn’t be fighting with kids over a few lawns. They don’t get industrial sites. Many employers check green cards before letting your workers onto their campuses. Is this why you’re bitching? Sending the government after a bunch of kids?

    15. Greg Scott said:

      It is unfortunate so many do not see what is and has been going on.

    16. Jeff Bradley said:

      Its all about our money, and how they can get their hands on it. Pathetic

    17. Rhoda Smith said:

      Yeah…..but what sort of busy body, low life, POS would report them?

    18. Eric Yetti Feliciano said:

      Actually a teen can legally sign a contract and start a business. Have you ever read about these young entrepreneurs that are all under 18? They have legit businesses. They had to get their license, register it etc. So yea they can.

    19. Eric Yetti Feliciano said:

      Because they’re acting as a business. A business is something that provides a good/service to the public for a profit. Regardless of age they’re acting as a business so I see why they’re asking for them to lay the licnese fee.

    20. Jerry Johnson said:

      Sounds like I need to do my research. The misses and I have two teenager’s. ☺

    21. Tammy Russell said:

      If that’s the case why aren’t lemonade stands required to have permits? It’s just a money grab. I agree with Gary Grey Crocker

    22. David Freeman said:

      I assume that all of you know that the EPA is behind a program to tax property owners based on how much rain water runs off your property and into public waterways. Also some states have made it illegal to collect the rain water coming off your roof to use for your garden. They are claiming that rainwater is public property.

    23. Samuel Lloyd said:

      All it is corrupted government trying to make money off of kids. So this country has messed up values. Government wants people to depend on them and force us to depend on them so they can control us and force us into slavery

    24. Courtney Muckelroy said:

      In the US constitution it says if the law is wrong you can stand up and fight it. Well i think kids should mow grass and stand up and fight it cause this is wrong.

    25. Thomas Stroud said:

      That’s when you start mowing for your neighbors out of the goodness of your heart. Then accept small gifts of appreciation.

    26. Brandon Pierce said:

      Tell the government that they are cutting grass for free. How are they going to prove they are getting paid? Personally I like cutting grass, along with the smell of freshly cut grass.

    27. Anonymous said:

      Unfortunately it seems like the only people making an issue of this are the lawn crews owned by adults in the area that view this as a threat to talking money they could be making themselves. Our government has alot of stupid laws, like Mississippi didn’t make owning a slave illegal until 1994 but people with common sense knew not to try it just because it wasn’t technically against the law. The problem here are citizens telling on the kids, not the law which was probably written without thinking people would be so fucking petty.

    28. Anonymous said:

      Well if everyone would mind their business and stop telling on their neighbors then this obviously could not be enforced.


