In Some States Kids Can Now Be Fined For Mowing Grass for Profit With No Permit

  • Well, it seems that the kids, tweens, and teens in Gardendale, Alabama and many other cities across the United States, are about to get a very real lesson in how government regulations can stifle personal and financial growth.

    Local officials and area law services have reportedly warned area teens that without a business license issued by the city, which costs $110, they are in violation of a city ordinance, thus violating the law, if they attempt to cut grass without a license.

    “I have never heard of a child cutting grass having to have a business license,” Elton Campbell, whose granddaughter, Alainna Parris, mows a few lawns around the neighborhood, told ABC-33/40.

    Mayor Stan Hogeland commented on the matter stating that when operating a business for pay within the city limits, you must have a business license. However, he also stressed that sending law enforcement after a child trying to earn extra money in the summer is not a priority. Unfortunately, however, if there are complaints from other area business or residents then the matter would have to be addressed.

    Not wanting to leave those with the fortitude to venture out into the world of business in total darkness the Mayor did have this to say:

    “I would love to have something on our books that gave a more favorable response to that student out there cutting grass. And see if there’s maybe a temporary license during the summer months that targets teenagers,”

    I guess my only question would be Mr. Mayor is how much will you charge them?


    What are your thoughts on this? Is it doing business by the book or a case of government overreach? Let us know in the comments below.


    Source: FreeThoughtProject






    1. Bruce Nash said:

      If this isn’t already in Oregon, I bet that Governor Brown has it on her desk to sigh. She is taxing the people in Oregon to the breaking point. She won’t deal with a budget and hasn’t seen a tax she didn’t love.

    2. Steve Piersol said:

      Destroying initiative to create compliance. Government doesn’t really care about safety [ a common excuse] or the money. What they care about is making certain that people don’t develop the notion that they can function outside of the constraints of government control.

    3. Adam Bieber said:

      Not if it’s a hobby and they get tips that equate to less than ( I believe) $1200

    4. Dru Martin said:

      Or when too many prudes get involved with an ambitious kid trying to make a buck.


