Author Archives: Editor

Don’t Let A House Drain The Wallet! Stop The Financial Bleeding With These Hacks

Don’t Let A House Drain The Wallet! Stop The Financial Bleeding With These Hacks

Now that the temperatures have dropped it seems our expenses are going up and as we all look for ways to save money after a busy holiday season. These days, it’s becoming clear that energy (as we use it) is not an infinite resource, which in turn leads to higher energy demand and ultimately a

Knowing The Knife Laws Where You Live

While there are strict regulations on guns many wouldn’t think that there would as many regulations on knives as there are. And while on one hand, that theory is correct there are still some things that you need to know. Each state is different when it comes to knife laws and while some states are

Unique Ways To Reuse Coke Cans

I am loving the DIY lifestyle. It causes you to look at things in a whole new light. For example prior to getting into DIY/LifeHacks or any sort of survival mentality I would look at a coke can and see, well a coke can. Nothing more, nothing less. There were no awesome life hacks, no

Pouring Dawn Down The Toilet- Here’s Why

When I heard about this tip I had to laugh as it sounds like something I would have gotten in trouble for as a kid! In fact, when I told some of my friends about it, they looked at me with that “yeah right you’re out of your mind” look that they often get. I

10 Reasons Why We All Need Earthbag Homes

If you would have asked me a few weeks ago I had not heard of Earthbag home. The phrase was completely foreign to me and apparently I wasn’t the only one. This technique while something that has been around for awhile, is now gaining popularity over the past year or so among people looking for stable, secure

Knife Sharpening: How to do it the right way!

A knife is no good if it isn’t sharp. In fact, it can be more dangerous than working with a sharpened knife. When a knife is sharp it works the way that it was intended and when it is dull you open yourself up for injury to yourself or others. There are many theories as to how
