Author Archives: Lea Terry

Homesteading 101: 3 Reasons To Choose Heritage Hogs Over Commercial Hogs

Homesteading 101: 3 Reasons To Choose Heritage Hogs Over Commercial Hogs

This May Be the Best Choice for Homesteaders! Many homesteaders choose to raise their own livestock, including hogs, to provide food for their family. There are several advantages to this, including knowing exactly how your meat is raised and processed, and potentially saving money. However, not everyone thinks about the many different types of hogs

This Planter is Made From a Wine Bottle and Waters Itself!

This Trick Turns Anyone Into a Gardener! We’re always looking for ways to use everyday objects for unexpected purposes. It’s even better when it’s an item that otherwise might end up in the garbage dump, but that we can salvage and transform into something useful. That’s definitely the case with this self-watering wine bottle planter,

Chainsaw Maintenance 101: Our Top 3 Tips

These Simple Little Tips Could Make All the Difference! A chainsaw is a big investment, and it’s also one power that many homesteaders, DIYers, and others can’t live without. After all, you can use it for everything from getting rid of dangerous dead tree limbs to building furniture. With so much at stake and invested

Bushcraft 101: How to Make a Tomahawk Handle

This Is a Versatile Tool That’s a Vital Addition to Your Toolkit! When you’re out in the wild, one of the most important skills you can have is the ability to make a simple but effective weapon, something you can you for everything from chopping wood to make a fire, to defending yourself, to hunting

This Emergency Shelter is Portable and Could Save Someone’s Life!

We’re Buying One of These for Our Bug Out Kit! If the unthinkable should happen and you were forced to flee your home, finding shelter quickly could be quite difficult, especially if you also have to deal with dangerous or inclimate weather such as rain, harsh temperatures or storms. This situation could become even worse

The Pistol That Uses Any Caliber

You NEED This in Your Bug Out Bag! Whether you’re looking for a gun for hunting or for self-defense, it may seem the choices are endless, both in term of the gun itself and in your choice of ammunition. With so many different caliber bullets available, it can be difficult to decide which one to
