Author Archives: Jordan London

This DIY Sheephive Is The Ideal Home For Animals

This DIY Sheephive Is The Ideal Home For Animals

Life on a homestead can be unpredictable and chaotic, but also rewarding. It gives you the opportunity to create a self-sufficient ecosystem in which you don’t need to worry about relying upon government-controlled entities like electricity. One of the largest influences on your success as a homesteader is whether you can create a stable food source.

When SHTF Know How To Flag & Tag The House To Help FEMA Out

As unfortunate as crisis events are, they can teach us crucial lessons about emergency responsiveness. Hurricane Katrina, for example, showed us the importance of flagging and tagging homes to alert rescue teams of any individuals who needed assistance. It’s likely that the majority of your disaster prepping efforts are focused on a stockpile and an escape plan. However,

The Best Crops To Grow For Every State

On the journey to self-sufficiency, one of the obstacles we have to cross is how to provide ourselves with food. The obvious and most popular choice for those who live off the grid or on a homestead is to plant your own crops. It takes some time and research to learn which crops are the

Easily Light A Fire Anywhere With These Dyno-Matches

One of the most basic and essential survival skills any wilderness junkie should have is the ability to start a fire. We forget how important warmth and light is until the sun starts to go down. Even in the summertime, a fire is crucial to keeping wildlife away and for fully cooking your food. At

Safely Escape a Car Submerging in Water

There are many SHTF events that can come our way: natural disasters, civil unrest, transportation accidents, wildlife attacks, etc. Depending on our daily routine and location, some of us are more likely to encounter certain events than others. For example, if you live in the southwestern region of the U.S., you’re more likely to face
