In Some States Kids Can Now Be Fined For Mowing Grass for Profit With No Permit

  • It seems that gone are the days where you could hire your neighbor's entrepreneurial go-getter of a child to cut your grass in exchange for money.

    Now that summer is here it seems that it is almost a right of passage for the business minded child or teen to create flyers offering their services to help neighbors mow their lawn. Heck, it just isn't summer without the smell of freshly cut grass in the air, but that may all soon change.

    It seems that there are sections of this country that feel those kids should have a permit before mowing one blade of grass in exchange for money. As crazy as it sounds it's true. so let's look at the details of this new way of thinking and see if it will soon be affecting your area.

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    1. Greg Scott said:

      In the end just like with the government, it all comes down to the dollar stolen. Greed

    2. Shawnee Lawson said:

      This is such crap!! Todays kidz barley have work ethic or even go outside! And the few that do can’t!! Way to screwing it up

    3. Scott Strickler said:

      This is disgusting!! The government needs to be put in their place!! They work for us if they haven’t forgot!!

    4. Eric Hayes said:

      Corrupt mayor helping out his buddies who own a lawn care business. Making it so kids cant cut it for cheaper.

    5. Samuel Lloyd said:

      Can always say free. Which do you think will get more business? Even when it’s free people would give your money’s worth

    6. Gary Tuller said:

      It’s all in the plan. Take away a 10 year olds desire for entrepreneurship, development of responsibility, and sense of accomplishment, and the government can make them dependent. Kids that want to work, can’t. Try getting a job for a 16 year old now days. It’s hard because most places will not hire people under 18. By the time I was 18, I had half my college tuition in the bank. It’s almost impossible to do that now for the majority of kids. Sad.

    7. Gary Tuller said:

      If the government would cease intrusion into the lives Pf private citizens, the problem would not exist in the first place.

    8. Gary Tuller said:

      There are some cities that already have that law in effect. It’s really rotten when a city requires a business license for a child’s lemonade stand.

    9. Todd Hooks said:

      That’s why you vote out the idiot’s making these rules/laws on election day. Go to the meetings and express that you as a voter won’t put up with stupid laws.

    10. Jasen Peŕna said:

      i mowed as a kid and can guaranGDtee you i would not have conformed to this. made great money cash and the Govt didnt deserve a cent.. suck it govt

    11. Victor Underwood said:

      People !!!! We fail to remember our gov is employed by us yhe people ! It seems they have got so big and greedy …maybe its time to trim the fat ! Time to change it back to when they HELP. Us not rob us ! I say we take the criminal element out of power n put them in jail ! And everyone gets the same low pay and insurance !

    12. Gavin Raila said:

      All you kids out there with no fuckin clue how to stick it to the man, better listen to Mr. Thomas Stroud here. Listen well

    13. Phil Gunyon said:

      Commie bastards…vote every pos that voted that$#%&!@*in…OUT!!

    14. Lexi Wilmes said:

      In Co they finally made it legal to collection water but of course there are restrictions. Government needs their money.

    15. Steve Ramey said:

      Wow,I don’t know how to respond.I knew you weren’t bullshitting but WOW is all I’ve got.Hell I wore out 2 mowers by the time I was 11…..

    16. Peter Doolan said:

      So what they need to do, is now the grass for free.
      The person then can give them a ‘gift’ because they are so helpful. Not a payment. A gift

    17. Jesse Voland said:

      Only if the parents of the community allow their kids to be fined.

    18. Lamarr S Jones said:

      Democratic control freaks… want money for everything we do… so they get a free ride.

    19. Jason Blackwell said:

      If this is about Gardendale Alabama, it was because of a lawn service business complaint. Go figure.

    20. Douglas Everhart said:

      Give me a fucking break, you have got to be kidding. What next kids need a license to run a lemonade stand.

    21. William Dakin Prine said:

      In Arlington Virginia, you have to have a permit or business license or be employed by someone who does…to beg for change at an intersection.

    22. Vince Parke said:

      The ONLY purpose is to steal money while engineering a socialist redistribution scheme. Start ’em young!

    23. Pastor Bob said:

      A license fee is just a fancy term for another tax. When you go after kids.. it’s just plain sick!

    24. Sonny Jobe said:

      The town residents have the power. Demand the regs be changed or vote them out. Simple.


