Why The UN Thinks The US is Headed Towards Another Civil Conflict

  • Across the globe, we find countries of different sizes with different types of individuals and different standards of living. While some nations have a more homogenized population, others are a melting pot of diversity. We can all agree that the U.S. is one of those melting pot nations and that the diversity is what has made us one of the most prosperous and powerful nations in the world. Thanks to that diversity, people flock to this country to pursue both their dreams and freedom.

    However, in light of recent events, Americans are not the only ones concerned about the future of the country. Typically, the U.S. is one of the leading countries in the United Nations. However, the UN has suddenly become just as nervous as we are about how the nation will move forward. Are horrific crises like Charlottesville going to continue? What happens if the government can no longer control and positively influence its people?

    Keep reading on the next page to learn how the UN is reacting to recent changes in the U.S. and how that reaction is being received!

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    1. Martin Lewis said:

      If they (gov) really wanted any of this to work they’d try be fair, their not and as long as their bank accounts and control over us are intact they’ll never care.

    2. Chris Donnelly said:

      You realize that civil war is Americans killing Americans right? Your friends and family will be included more than likely too.
      You also realize that the rest of the planet thinks
      The fewer Americans on the planet the better

    3. Chris Donnelly said:

      I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to sit back and let Americans kill Americans, because the rest of the planet thinks
      The fewer Americans on the planet the better.

    4. Richard Riddle said:

      We probably are but it is none of the UNs business. My guess is they are being urged to interfere by the shadow government who will also have to be dealt with.

    5. Michael Hendrickson said:

      Other countries are laughing there asses off at us. Greatest in the world they say. They can’t even figure out what bathroom to use.

    6. Ken Sitton said:

      could care less what the UN has to say about anything, They need to mind there own business stay out of ours

    7. Jace Headley said:

      Civil war in America wouldn’t last long. I’d give it three days and left would be wiped out

    8. Robert Sean said:

      I think the UN should mind their own fckng business and stay out of our affairs. We are a sovereign, independent nation and we don’t answer to them.

    9. Scott A Meyer said:

      Because it is being set up tp look like one by the Democraps, the problem is a lie , the dems are behind it, Now the Scary Part, THE UN KNOWS IT AND IS PART OF IT

    10. Scott A Meyer said:

      Chris Donnelly Don’t worry we are sending all the unwanted to your country

    11. Bill Mcbride said:

      If law enforcement doesn’t start enforcing the law the the people will. Antifa and it’s attack on the constitution needs to be shut down. Politically correct and todays dishonest media need to go, truth needs to be returned to the public.

    12. John Shank said:

      Me to way before the election . The dems started this racism way back when Obama started saying the thug could of been his son . Then black lives matter .Then start antifascist to distrupt trump ralleys and now they distrupt anything they don’t agree with .lock and load .The US military will be on the rights side in any event minus the transvestites.

    13. David Loar said:

      That is their plan after all. Why wouldnt they expect it…. its not the first time they have coordinated a civil war

    14. Alan Raymond Yates said:

      That’s the silliest thing I’ve seen today. Hey, nimrod? North Korea IS the devil in the room, they don’t need anyone to turn them into one.

    15. Derek How said:

      … who gives a rats$#%&!@*what the un thinks .. about anything …?

    16. Penny Tilley said:

      UN we can take care of our own problems. Have 240 years. They are wanting us to fail so World Government can take over. NOT ON OUR WATCH! Keep OUT OF OUR BUSINESS!

    17. Tim Alan Fox said:

      Because it’s engineered by the same people who make billions off of the u.n which should be abolished

    18. Rick Richmond said:

      So how is that your business, you couldn’t handle Syria. Or any Afercia country.

    19. Mike Laarman said:

      we keep hoping for one, but the dems are just loud mouth$#%&!@*s. They run around in there little groups spouting off with there big mouths and no back bone. It would be a real short fight if they ever grow any balls.

    20. Steven Correira said:

      Def legit concern. It doesn’t seem like these “people” are going through some small phase that will just fizzle out. Its getting to the point, in some areas of the United States, where simply going to the grocery store, the bank, to work, for a walk, etc is becoming hazardous simply because of what/how you believe what you believe. Something has got to give & I for one am not going to stand idle/silent as this country becomes worse for my children & grandchildren. It has gotten to the point, in this country, where people are labeling what is good/pure/wholesome as “EVIL” & what is pure evil as “Good”. And it doesn’t look like there is any end coming soon.

    21. Nathan Bouchard said:

      You first!! I’ll join in as soon as you do! You right kyle herbert theirs a cpl of the ones im talking about right now.

    22. Nathan Bouchard said:

      And sry for the spelling i guess im doing good considering im dyslexic! Feels good to pick on people and thats another reason i say what im saying your perfect examples of douchbags

    23. Nathan Bouchard said:

      Also being said i do respect all that you military stand for and do! But douchbag bullies are still douchbag bullies and i still feel bad for what mother nature has to go threw becausse people that have power and they have other people fight their battles for them just so they feel like big men! I also hope you dont drag the memories of what you’ve been threw around! So ty for your service at the very least.

    24. Robert Sean said:

      Darrell Jones I don’t want a civil war either but what does his statement have to do with color? The country is divided because of politics and an ignorance of whats actually going on in our government and the world.

    25. Robert Sean said:

      Chris Donnelly I’ve got news for you Chris. Trudeau is following in Obama’s footsteps and in some areas he is even more radical. You Canadians are not far behind us. As far as what the rest of the world thinks, we’re not of a collective society. We’re Americans, not drones. Most of us are aware of the Globalist Progressive New World Order your masters are trying to create. We’re against that. We believe in remaining an independent, sovereign country. You can go along with the George Soros controlled puppets if you want to. Le me know how that works out for you.

    26. Patrick Griffith said:

      proven at times all it takes is an idea to become reality….this subject does not need to exist!

      but if comes to past citizen america will know “pocket’for’profit” poiticians, liberal, media and government, as the first betrayal again instigating the second.
      620,000 of our nations warriors with over 50,000 civilian men, women and children were “killed” in the war between the states.

      for the morons who are calling for another….how many of “your” children will die?
      how many of “your” fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers will die this time….and so many of you will be killed also.

      man killing man….how stupid can it get?

    27. Chris Donnelly said:

      Scott A Meyer you can keep these geniuses that aren’t smart enough to realize that WWII was all about Americans killing Nazis

    28. Chris Donnelly said:

      Scott A Meyer you can keep these geniuses that aren’t smart enough to realize that WWII was all about Americans killing Nazis

    29. Luc Mo said:

      when’s the last time any of you fools who buy this crap said his to your next door nieghbirs?

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