Why The UN Thinks The US is Headed Towards Another Civil Conflict

  • Across the globe, we find countries of different sizes with different types of individuals and different standards of living. While some nations have a more homogenized population, others are a melting pot of diversity. We can all agree that the U.S. is one of those melting pot nations and that the diversity is what has made us one of the most prosperous and powerful nations in the world. Thanks to that diversity, people flock to this country to pursue both their dreams and freedom.

    However, in light of recent events, Americans are not the only ones concerned about the future of the country. Typically, the U.S. is one of the leading countries in the United Nations. However, the UN has suddenly become just as nervous as we are about how the nation will move forward. Are horrific crises like Charlottesville going to continue? What happens if the government can no longer control and positively influence its people?

    Keep reading on the next page to learn how the UN is reacting to recent changes in the U.S. and how that reaction is being received!

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    1. Henry Hank Spruce said:

      Yep. And there is some strong evidence that both the so-called “alt-right white supremists” and the Antifa thugs are all on the same side. Hired to create trouble. At Charlottesville they were both seen arriving in buses together. They parked next to each other and got off at the same time with no conflict, no shouting, no nothing! More than one person witnessed it.

    2. Henry Hank Spruce said:

      Also, already rumors that much of the trouble in California and other places resulted from a casting call for untrained people to play rioters and victims. High pay, transportation and food supplied! Might be just a little fishy!

    3. Timothy B Morgan said:

      I think the UN should be concentrating on some of the human disasters in other parts of the world and leave us alone.

    4. Shane Thacker said:

      I dont really care what the UN has to say, but if you cant read the writing on the wall, you are in big trouble

    5. Bill Mossman said:

      Haha this all started under Obama and North Korea has been a bad guy for a long time. Juat face facts your a controlled puppet.

    6. Ann Williams Mason said:

      We’ll take care of it. Your services not needed, which will nullify the Constitution and destroy America!

    7. Rick Hihath said:

      Piss on the un if it wasn’t for u.s. tax money and soldiers there wouldn’t be a u.n.fyi

    8. Joslyn Medrano said:

      Civil war against the government thay stages attacks on it’s own people.for old men’s money and political gain. The people have had enough. This has nothing to do with color but the staging is sadly effective in dividing us all. We are the many they are the few.

    9. Don Zacharias said:

      Liberals are out of destroy this country. With the help of George Soros.

    10. Chris Donnelly said:

      Kyle Hulbert it’s hard to take criticism from someone who can’t spell minute even with autocorrect

    11. Pete Felts said:

      Don’t they have enough to do with all the CURRENT CIVIL WARS!

    12. Nathan Hardin said:

      I can promise u – The left is not gonna stop till trump is gone! They want a civil war in hopes of installing a communist like government!

    13. James Haggerty said:

      The lying liberal media incites division with it’s resist movement and needs to be rained in.

    14. Pat Metzger said:

      This un thing is been in the works for a long time at least the last 8 years. Do you in needs to get out of our country stay the hell out of it and we don’t care what they have to say

    15. Zack Vittorio said:

      Ok. So, you admit you side with enemies of our country. That explains why you morons vote the way you do

    16. Brett Carlson said:

      Chris Donnelly if you want illegals in this country sapping our social services, committing crimes, YOU can pay for! I’ll gladly help pay for a wall.

    17. Donald Greene said:

      They are just concerned that they will lose all those gold eggs fro the US goose…

    18. Wayne Downey said:

      First off, who gives a$#%&!@*what the UN thinks. They have no say in this country. Second, so what if we have a revolution. Just culling the herd of pussies and fucktards is all. We have that right! Well maybe it is not a right but we have way more firepower and yes, it is going to happen no matter what the liberals want.

    19. Matthew Fry said:

      Nope.. The average person couldn’t run half a mile, or make it 3 days camping, or three days w/o meds or illegal drugs. if the internet went down there would prob be riots, till it came back on.

    20. Robie Robyns said:

      Well Kyle looks like we have a few things in common, I spent a lifetime planning and scheduling the maintenance for 3 papermachines so I will refrain from my usual reply to and agnostic such as yourself and only say, , you will bend you knee someday to Him, you have my guarantee, ,

    21. Robie Robyns said:

      My apologies for being rude, I realized if you have never invited Him into your heart you would never know, God doesn’t correct (or save) someone else’s kids,, lol

    22. Chris Donnelly said:

      Zack Vittorio even better. I’m Canadian just watching the reality tv show called
      What will Trump do next to baffle the world

    23. Chris Donnelly said:

      Brett Carlson nah, I’m Canadian and am just watching Trumps reality TV show. It’s highly entertaining and disturbing at the same time. Have fun with your civil war. Because the rest of the world is thinking
      The fewer Americans on the planet the better and civil war is Americans killing Americans.

    24. Chris Donnelly said:

      Anthony Slaughter NK has been the bad guy for so long that they’re boring. Trump is making it exciting again by poking the sleeping fat sloth


