Why Individualized Bug Out Bags Are Important

  • After all of the planning, storing and training the time has come to grab your supplies and head to your nearest bug out location. It all goes smoothly and you not only survive but you thrive with the seamless ease of a professional survivalist.

    Changes are while we want to think that things will go without error we may run into a few snags along the way. Unless it is just you that you are having to take care of you will need to take into consideration the needs of your family.

    Even something as simple as what to pack in terms of short-term snacks varies from family member to family member, largely depending upon their age.

    None of that includes the equipment and supplies you will want to take along based on who is with you or the stuff that everyone can use or may need.

    To learn how to pack bug-out bags specifically based on the individuals who will be with you, check out the next page.

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    1. Tom Frazier said:

      So your wife has enough room to bring her cosmetics, hair care products, and skin care products.

    2. Jon Rotroff said:

      Just make sure your children’s bags aren’t bright colors. It is also helpful to have natural colors for them to wear. It isn’t likely you’re going to ‘bug out’ at Chuck e cheese.

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