The 5 Tools Experts Say are Needed for Woodworking

  • Woodworking is an art form that has been around since man realized that sitting on rocks is seriously uncomfortable.

    It is a trade that I never see going out of style or becoming unnecessary no matter how much technology evolves and for those who live off the grid or are preparing for any sort of SHTF scenario it is a trade that will not only come in handy but may be the key to their survival.

    So how does one get started in woodworking? What sort of tools do you need in order to ensure that you are properly equipped to handle any task that is before you?

    Well, we got with some expert woodworkers and asked them that very question and they all had the same answers.  So let's go over what the experts say you will need to get started.

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    One Comment;

    1. John Daffron said:

      Left out pencil , saw , nail set , plane , rafter square , framing square , chaulk line or straight edge , knowledge , talent and if you don’t have those last two…first aid kit !!!

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