Protect Any Home With This Tripwire Bang Alarm

  • We all want our homes to be protected and if you are on this site then that means chances are you will do anything to protect it. This is never a bad thing.

    Not everyone can afford a fancy security system. Even if you can those systems are usually tied to a grid of some sort and if the grid goes down then they are rendered useless. This is one of the major drawbacks of monitored systems which is why many DIYers, preppers and homesteaders opt for something a little less grid reliant.

    This thing is cheap to make and simple enough for anyone to install. It makes an extremely loud noise when someone encounters it. It is basically made using a mousetrap, ring caps, and fishing wire.

    The unsuspecting trespasser will trip on the thin, nearly invisible wire and trigger the ring cap (used in play cap guns) via the mousetrap.

    This is brilliant in its simplicity and extremely effective – Check out the parts, which you probably have lying around, and construct on the next page

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    One Comment;

    1. Tom Van Winkle said:

      Sweet! It may scare off the intruder, but will also result in neighbors calling in gunshots at my home! Hello swat team!


