HomeSteading articles

Chickens in the Big City: Important Safety and Legal Issues

Chickens in the Big City: Important Safety and Legal Issues

Urban Homesteading Requires a Slightly Different Approach Rural homesteaders have pretty much always kept chickens, and in fact the practice is nearly synonymous with homesteading, farming and rural living. After all, keeping chickens helps you be more self-sufficient, and with all that land, it’s a good use of space to keep animals that will help

Toxic Mold Exposure Symptoms

There are so many threats to our health out there that sometimes it’s hard to tell when a headache is due to the day to day stress of life of if it has a more sinister cause. Toxic mold is something that everyone in all climates needs to be aware of and knowing the bodies

8 Ways Chickens Can Be Used In Gardening

When it comes to homesteading you always want to make sure that everything you use has multiple purposes. The best examples of this would be with chickens. It seems that every homestead that you walk onto will have chickens and while they may not be the best-smelling creatures, their uses seem to be endless. Obviously,

7 Weeds That Can Be Used as Livestock Feed

Whenever people mention weeds I think back to the summers of picking weeds out of my grandmother’s gardens. I hated it. It was hot, sticky and frankly, I would rather have been doing anything else than picking weeds. It was backbreaking work and I hated it. Not once, however, did I think that those weeds

Snow Banking and the Art of Staying Warm

If you live in the rural parts of the north, or at least north enough to where the snow can actually accumulate on the ground, then you may have noticed homes that seem to be within a few feet of being buried in mounds of snow. While yes the constant snowfall may play some part
