HomeSteading articles

How To Build A Hand Operated Water Pump For Less Than Fifty Dollars For The Homestead!

How To Build A Hand Operated Water Pump For Less Than Fifty Dollars For The Homestead!

If you want to make your homestead even more self-sufficient, then you can build this amazing and inexpensive water pump! Almost every homesteader dreams about being as self-sufficient as possible. This is because we like to be prepared for anything that might happen. We also like the freedom to live how we want. Finally, for

6 Really Fast Ways To Remove Rust & Save Your Tools

Rust is a killer. Seriously ask anyone who has had an epic tool set or wheelbarrow left out in the rain for days on end after letting a friend borrow them, I’m not bitter about it but seriously- rust is a killer. Had I known these 6 simple and effective techniques back then well, I

How to make a home solar friendly

If you want to make your homestead as self-sufficient as possible, then you can use these simple steps to make it solar friendly! Many people dream of building their homestead for several reasons. We take pride in doing things our way and making them work. We also do not want to be dependent on anything

How To Treat Frostbite In Chickens

For those of you who live in areas where the winter winds come howling and Jack Frost blankets the area with fresh snow on what seems to be a daily basis you know how quickly it happens. Frostbite. Frostbite can take place within minutes of flesh being exposed to wet, cold temperatures – and it can
