Building a Wooden Alternator

  • Remaining self-sufficient and safe in any situation is at the core of everything that we do. Preparations are a must and nothing must be overlooked. Having a good stockpile, making sure you are protecting yourself and researching alternative sources of power are all top priority before an SHTF scenario.

    Thankfully in this day and age, technology allows us to be more independent than ever, which is why so called “alternative lifestyles” such as homesteading and living off the grid are becoming increasingly popular. While there are some who do not agree with this way of life and even consider it borderline extreme it's really not. All it really boils down to is a group of people getting back to a way of life before technology and consumerism took over.

    This is why we are proud of projects such as this next one as it gets you one step closer to living life the way you want to live it.

    This DIY wooden alternator provides you with power in a clever way. Many of us may not like to mess with electricity since it can lead to unfortunate accidents. However, if you follow the directions and take precautions, this project could prove essential to your lifestyle. The wooden alternator takes about 2 days to construct and costs $130 between the magnets and magnetic wire required. After that time, your hard work could provide you with a new and innovative source of energy.

    Keep reading to see the instructions for constructing this wooden alternator!

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