Author Archives: Editor

Why Every Prepper Should Get a Pit Bull Right Now

As a kid I remember always being told to stay away from pit dangerous dogs. Which I often found funny because my cousin who lived across the street and my cousin who lived right down the dirt road from me both had pit bulls. Now in my family we didn’t consider pit bulls to be

How To Safely Make Black Powder

Black powder is one of those things that is necessary when you’re planning your bug out bag or shelter. Commonly used as a propellant in fireworks or weapons black powder is a fine powder that has many uses. Now before we begin we have to throw out this disclaimer: Black Powder, like many things in

How To Make a Rain Barrel Harvesting System

While Pucksatawny Phil says that we have 6 more weeks of winter we all know that spring is on its way. This, of course, means showers, showers, and more showers. Which isn’t a bad thing as the incoming rain means growth for nature. So how can we harness this wonderful resource? Well, this simple DIY

Reasons To Go Organic: Avoid Foods With These Chemicals

There are so many processed chemicals in our foods today it is unreal. The more that we research, the more that we seem to find companies are putting chemical fillers in some of our favorite foods. You ever hear the phrase “you don’t want to know how the sausage is made?”  It’s not just a metaphor.  You

Best Survival Weapon for $100

Survival weapons are a must when planning a bug out bag or shelter. In particular, firearms which tend to be the priciest part of any survival kit. Sure, they’re expensive, and nowadays you have to jump through hoops just to get them, but by not having them you’re putting yourself at an extreme disadvantage. This applies even

10 More Uses for WD-40 Everyone Needs To Know

I honestly believe that WD-40 is one of the most invaluable tools that you could ever own. It seems that there is no end to its’s uses and the more we try to find an end the further the road seems to go. Not that it’s a bad thing, in fact, some of these uses

How To Build An Above Ground Fallout Shelter

With ever increasing political tension and the constant threat of other world leaders showing off their nuclear toys, we have to be prepared for anything. That is after all one of the things that we focus on here,  DIY preparedness. So in our search for the latest and greatest projects for you, we stumbled across this little
