Abandoned In The Desert For 71 Days This Man Survived. What We Can Learn From Him

  • While this man's story is captivating, it's also a warning sign to those of us who may not be skilled in wilderness survival. Without equipment, tools or supplies, we only have ourselves to rely upon.

    Two jackaroos, or Australian ranch hands, had been sent out from the nearest cattle station to perform their day’s labor.

    In this part of the northern outback, that meant going into some of the most isolated pockets on the continent.

    So the duo bounced along across the desolation. As they slowly worked their way across the expanse, they spied something moving off in the distance. As they drew closer, their curiosity only grew at the strange figure that rose and fell in the distance. They had found a man by the name of Ricky Megee.

    Ricky had just landed a new job and was driving along a barren north Australian highway when he came across a group of stranded travelers huddled around their vehicle on the side of the road. Ricky slowed down and pulled over. The group needed help to get their car going. Megee allowed a few of them to hop in his car so they could hitch a ride to the next town. The men piled in, and then … blackness.

    He woke up, naked in the middle of the desert.

    Megee walked across the desert, barefoot and naked, to find help. His efforts proved fruitless, though. His best option was to find a good source of water and to stay next to it. Fortunately, the rainy season was just ending. He committed himself to one such waterhole and constructed a makeshift shelter.

    After more than a week in isolation, Ricky was getting hungry. Then, a lizard scurried past. Without even thinking, Megee lashed out and stunned the reptile, killing it instantly. He laid the lizard in the sun for a few hours and allowed it to dry. After that, he peeled the skin off and enjoyed his first bite to eat in the bush.

    Megee ate nearly everything he could find. Lizards, frogs, leeches, snakes, grasshoppers and caterpillars. Leeches, he said, are OK – but you must eat them quickly, otherwise they attach to the inside of your mouth.

    Megee also ate plants. His rule for eating plants: If it tasted good, he ate it.

    He was gradually starving to death.

    He found a different waterhole and constructed another shelter. His strength was failing.

    He even mounted a cross on his shelter, marking what he believed was going to be his grave.

    So it went … for 71 days. By the time the jackaroos stumbled upon him, he was only a gaunt figure of his former self. He weighed a skeletal 100 pounds when the ranch hands arrived.

    What can we learn from such an amazing story of survival? First, finding shelter, water and food — in that order – are the priority. Second, a positive outlook is essential. He remembered friends and family, and the thought of seeing them kept him going.

    Do you think you would have been able to survive for 71 days in the desert like Megee did?

    Article Source: Off The Grid News


    1. Charlie Williams said:

      right.. I just started reading the article and noticed instantly the man did this in Australia hahaha

    2. Mark Francisco said:

      Hope is what keeps cancer patients, death row inmates and the abandoned alive.

    3. Howard Kauffman said:

      Wow . Troll the right posts you dip$#%&!@*. This isnt even a political post . Someone needs to slap the stupid out of you .

    4. John Smith said:

      And so they did my left wing indoctrination by controlling public media and or universities. Good post.

    5. John Smith said:

      The point dumb$#%&!@*is that the government should not play a role in financing or executing either of these positions! One is a Constitutional right and the other is killing innocent babies. Are libturds like you too stupid to comprehend that? Lol

    6. Tamara Gale said:

      There are no frogs or leeches in the desert. Both require water sources.

    7. Scott Henderson said:

      He didn’t say he would ban abortions. His plan is to stop funding them with our (taxpayer) money. By the way, guns don’t cause violence, but abortions DO cause abortions, which is violence of the worst kind because the victim is completely defenseless.


