A New Map That Tells Everyone Their Chances of Being Destroyed By a Nuke

  • Now when I went to the website it pulls up a page that looks something like google earth. It seems pretty basic and foolproof so I try it. I will admit that I got slightly frustrated as every time I moved cursor it gave me an “oops something went wrong” error message but I shut down my computer and restarted it and we were back in working order.

    Now what I dug about this site was the options that you had. There were options for the various kinds of disasters that we could potentially face.

    For example :

    Dinasoar Ending Meteor

    TSAR Bomb 50 Megaton

    Castle Bravo 15 Megaton

    Minuteman 1 Megaton

    Peacekeeper 350 Kiloton

    Fatman 18 kiloton

    Now those were just the options for the bombs themselves. There were also options for how many people in your city and even a place for you to put in your location.

    Now I used my location and while I am not out of the danger zone I am not in the center of the trouble so all in all….I'd say I'm afraid enough to up and move.

    Maybe a nice fallout shelter wouldn't be so bad- who wants to retire anyway!

    If you want to try it out yourself feel free to check it out at Would I Survive a Nuke and see how you fare.


    Source: wouldisurviveanuke.com



    (*Also be warned if your computer has issues with java it may not work for you- sorry im just the messenger. )





    1. Charlzdolf Bauer said:

      Michelle Herrin thank you for the link. Unfortunately, it won’t accept my information..

    2. Dorian Albertson said:

      In 1964 I was an a country at the time use solar panel, not today,
      Not every body are stupid.

    3. Gary Gauthier said:

      IF IT means, I will no longer have to live with these RADICAL PROGRESSIVE NUT JOBS, then I hope I am in that zone.

    4. T.J. Gauthier said:

      No need to check. I live at the base of Cheyenne Mountain which houses NORAD among others.

    5. Ron Willingham said:

      chances of surviving a nuclear war…

      you might have a shelter with air, food and water for 5 yrs, but the radiation outside your shelter, and as soon as you go outside it will start working on your DNA, your organs, and it will take your$#%&!@*down

      your kids? wow… ya… your kids might make it 5 yrs with all your prepper$#%&!@* but not long after you will have to watch them suffer and die

      if one or two nukes fall you might be one of the few that make it through, but I would not place any bets


