9 Tips on How To Pack a Bag Military Style

  • Imagine you’re building a wall

    Says one servicemember: “Shoes and small bags act as bricks (aka building blocks). Shirts, jackets, underwear, and pants act as mortar that fills the space in between.” You’ll end up with a suitcase whose contents are less prone to shifting during flight.

    When in doubt, bring more socks

    Speaking of empty space, you might as well plug all of it with rolled-up socks.

    Pack bags in your bag

    In order to pack one big bag well, you need smaller bags to organize the stuff inside.

    One bag you’ll definitely want to pack on top? A “go bag,” almost like a floating pocket. One Marine swears by it. “The contents depend on the trip,” he says, “but think of things you’ll need quickly and most often.”

    Bring only what you need

    So when you’re in that staging zone, one service member advises, “pull out everything you might need and put it to the side. This will help you pack only the essentials first and fill in extra space with the maybes.”

    Get the right bag

    One service member says, “If there is a new bag, organization gadget, or lightweight tool, I usually buy it with the excuse that I am really saving weight, time, and space.”

    Feeling strong, moving fast, and staying small are all benefits that most people would pay handsomely for.

    Will these tips come in handy when prepping for your next trip? Are there any other effective hacks you have for packing?

    Article Source: Thrillist

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