9 Tips on How To Pack a Bag Military Style

  • These pieces of packing advice apply to any trip whether you're traveling on a plane or in a car, to a tropical destination or a busy city and to warm weather or cold weather. The last thing we want to worry about when traveling is whether we have the essentials or if our suitcases are going to be overweight because we didn't think through what we truly needed. If you don't like traveling now, then maybe these packing trips will give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy a trip. The military shares its packing secrets with us in hopes that we can become as organized and prepared as they are!

    Find a staging zone

    Not only does packing and repacking help you get better at it, it also helps you memorize where you put stuff in your bag, so you can quickly access it once you arrive.

    Clear out a staging zone on your bed or garage floor where you can organize your gear in advance.

    Pack in reverse order

    The first items in are the last ones to come out. So the pajamas you’ll need on the first night at your destination? Pack those last so they land on the top.

    Be strategic about weight

    A drill instructor suggested putting “whatever weighs the most in the center of the backpack and closest to your spine, so it centers the weight on your body rather than pulling back on you.”

    The rule applies to suitcases, as well. “Break your bag into thirds,” a servicemember says. “Bottom third is medium weight. Middle third is heavy weight. Top third is light weight.”

    Fold, roll, and tie

    It’s helpful to fold everything into uniform sizes and shapes.

    As for bulkier items like jackets, scarves, or sleeping bags, try rolling them instead of folding.

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