[Video] 12 Zip Tie Life Hacks that Will Change Everything

  • There are so many items that we come across on a daily basis that we never think twice about. Zip ties have a lot more uses than one might initially think. Aside from closing things up, there are dozens of ways to use zip ties in day-to-day life.

    For example: Zip Ties

    Zip ties are more versatile than one would initially assume. Aside from closing things up, there are dozens of ways to use zip ties in your day-to-day life.

    In today’s video, you’ll see 12 zip tie hacks that will surely astound you. These might not be ways you’d initially think of using zip ties but they will make a world of difference.

    If you’re living that off-grid life and want to make the most out of this invention at home or simply want to make life a little easier, check these hacks out!

    Watch the video on the next page to learn more about zip ties! You can use them to your advantage when SHTF!

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    1. Brandon Abel said:

      Well there’s 2and a half minutes of my life I’ll never get back!


