[Video] 12 Zip Tie Life Hacks that Will Change Everything

  • While I am one who loves to read there are some things that are better understood if they are showing. So when I came across this video I knew I had to share it with you.  There were one or two on here that I already knew but there are some that were new to me which was great! I am sure there are ways to alter these tricks and make them even more useful on a larger scale!

    So kick back and watch this short video and let us know what you think in the comments below.


    Have you used any of these hacks before? IF so how did they work out for you? Do you have any that you feel should be shared that were not on the video? Let us know as well and we would love to share the tips you share with us!

    Source: Thaitrick


    1. Brandon Abel said:

      Well there’s 2and a half minutes of my life I’ll never get back!


