This Rustic Cedar Hot Tub Costs Less Than $1,000 to Make!

  • It's Worth Every Penny!

    At the end of the day, one of our favorite ways to unwind is take a nice long soak in the hot tub, preferably with a glass of wine as company. It's just so relaxing, and just the thing we need to rid of our body of the stress we've accumulated during a long day of work, school, errands and other chores.

    There's only one thing that could make a hot tub better, and that's being able to build your very own for not a lot of money. And that's exactly what we found! In fact, this really cool cedar hot tub costs less than $1,000 to make, plus, it has a unique rustic look that will blend in amazingly well with your decor, for a nice rustic outdoor feel that makes the experience even more soothing.

    To learn how to make this rustic cedar hot tub, please continue to Page (2) for the instructions.

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