Taste Testing a Lithuanian MRE and other Facts About This Survival Food

  • Now I am usually not too picky of an eater. Depending on who you ask that is yet I often wonder how I would do if push came to shove and there were no other options only those that were grown or killed. This of course started a long discourse between friends and they advised I stock up on MRE's

    Since they are military I usually listen when they speak especially in regards to survival tactics to what they say.

    So I hopped online and started researching MRE's  If you haven't done it you should because there are a ton of interesting things you will find.

    So what I have done is compiled for you on the next page a video of a taste test of a Lithuanian MRE, some fast facts about them as well as some options for you if you are looking to stock up on MRE type of survival foods.

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