Taste Testing a Lithuanian MRE and other Facts About This Survival Food

  • Fast Facts About MRE

    • The Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) was first served to soldiers in 1980. The MRE replaced the Meal, Individual (better known as C-Rations) which had been used since the Vietnam War.
    • MREs have approximately 1300 calories (5439 kJ) per meal with 55% of the energy from carbohydrates, 35% from fat and 15% from protein.
    • MREs are shelf stable for a minimum of 3 years at 80oF (26oC) and a minimum of 6 months at 100oF (38oC)
    • MREs are designed to withstand harsh military transportation requirements, including airdrop with and without parachutes and storage at -60oF (-51oC) up to 120oF (49oC). Chemicals and preservatives are not used to extend the shelf life of the MRE
    • Protecting the meals form oxygen and moisture, the tri-laminate foil packaging is the secret to the MRE's shelf-life. Oxygen and moisture are two primary factors in food spoilage.

    Buying U.S. Military MREs

    In 1997 the government started posting the following notice on all MRE boxes:

    govt. resale warning.

    While this notice seems to have cut down on some of the blatant “sell them by the truckload” selling, you can still find perfectly good MREs pretty easily.

    How much to pay?

    $45-$60 per case is the average price. You can sometimes find them less and you can always find someone trying to sell them for more. $55 plus shipping (24lbs – $12-$25) is a fair deal.

    Where to find them?

    Someone in the military:  This is my go-to choice as you know that they will be official military grade MRE. Full-time military personnel and part-time reservists/National Guard often get these during training/field exercises.

    Army Surplus Stores: While you can occasionally find them here I would be hesitant to purchase here simply because every time I have seen them there they are super expensive compared to other places. 

    Ebay: This was suggested to me however I would steer clear of this. Mainly because too many people out there simply want to take your money for a less than stellar product.

    There are also specialty stores online that sell civilian MRE but a military grade is what you will want so make friends with someone in the military!




