Know How to Start a Fire After it Rains

  • There are times when I wish we could control mother nature but alas that power does not reside within my grasp. This, of course, makes camping or any sort of outdoor activity a bit stressful when nature does not cooperate and the skies open up and release rain all over all beautiful outdoor weekend.

    There is only so much you can do to prepare. You can bring rain coats and shelter. Waterproof containers to keep all of your food and supplies dry but not everything goes according to plan.

    In order to stay warm or have a fire for cooking, you must know how to start a fire when the conditions are against you. So what we have done is compile for you on the next page a list of instructions and slideshow to help guide you.

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    1. Richard Hill said:

      After the rain look for small dead branches on a tree, these usually don’t get as wet and dry out quicker. I was told this was called “squaw wood”

    2. Richard Ballou said:

      Use and learn how to find fatwood in the woods .Best thing I’ve found .dryer lint is great don’t get me wrong ..but it will run out …blown down pine tree .You can find most places ..just a few shaving ‘s and poof fire ..I have a tree down probably two feet across with a 8 inch core .Awesome stuff ..just my two cents worth


