Know How to Start a Fire After it Rains

  • The first thing you will need to do is make sure you have all the materials you will need.

    • Some dry dryer lint (kept in Waterpoof Capsule – Amazon)
    • firesteel
    • a bowie
    • and a pocket knife.


    • you will need to find one piece of semi-rotted logs, placed it straight up. This will act as a table of sorts.
    • In order to determine which branches are dry enough on the inside to use, flex a few. The ones that bent he put back since they were too wet. The ones that cracked or snapped, he used for tinder.
    • The ones that bend, put back as they will be too wet. The ones that crack or snap, you can use for tinder.

    If the branches you find are longer cut the tree branches into quarters and then again into even smaller pieces. Once you get to the inside of these branches,  use the dry insides to make large shavings for tinder.

    Pile up the tinder and place the lint in the center of the pile, and take out the firesteel to start generating sparks. In order to make sparks with firesteel, you’ll need to use the back of a knife in combination with it.

    After a few moments, you should start to see smoke. At this point add more tinder and blow to help get the fire going. After a bit of time you will find that your fire has begun.





    1. Richard Hill said:

      After the rain look for small dead branches on a tree, these usually don’t get as wet and dry out quicker. I was told this was called “squaw wood”

    2. Richard Ballou said:

      Use and learn how to find fatwood in the woods .Best thing I’ve found .dryer lint is great don’t get me wrong ..but it will run out …blown down pine tree .You can find most places ..just a few shaving ‘s and poof fire ..I have a tree down probably two feet across with a 8 inch core .Awesome stuff ..just my two cents worth


