How to Make a Push Dagger

  • Every DIYer Needs One of These!

    Whether you're a DIYer who likes to have a wide variety of tools, or you're a survival enthusiast who wants to make sure you're always prepared for whatever situation you might encounter, a push dagger is a valuable addition to your toolkit or arsenal. These handy little knives are small and easy to tuck into your pocket, as well as being very user-friendly and simple to operate.

    If you're the type who likes to make something from start to finish, and you enjoy the process of handcrafting an intricate, eye-catching piece of construction, then this push dagger is definitely for you! We were surprised by how easy it was to make, even though it does require some time, care, and attention to detail. One word of caution, however: owning a push dagger in some locations, so check your local laws before making this.

    To learn how to make this push dagger for yourself, please continue to Page (2) for the list of materials you'll need and the instructions.

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