How To Build a Wood Pallet Bench in 5 Steps

  • Wood pallets are one of the most versatile items to have around for any level of DIYer. There is an endless number of projects that can be accomplished with some creativity, ingenuity and a good set of tools.

    The first project that comes to mind is one that I did a long time ago and still get use out of to this day and that is the wood pallet bench. Knowing how to create this simple DIY project can help in many situations from sprucing up the backyard r patio area to creating seating for any preppers bug out location.

    To accomplish this task here is a small list of what you will need.

    Materials needed:

    • Pallet (Made of sturdy oak or oak and pressure-treated lumber)
    • 8-ft pressure-treated 2×4
    • Box of star-headed (Torx) no-drill-needed (self-tapping) 2 1/2-in deck screws

    Once you have that you are about halfway there.

    For starters, I selected a pallet built of entirely rot-resistant oak (you can also go with partially of oak, with the larger cross-beams being made of pressure-treated 2×4, but something rather stout) whose slats were a 1/2 inch thick. Of course, the fewer cracks, splintering and rot, the better.

    Now let's keep reading to find out what tools and step by step instructions are needed to complete the job. 

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