How To Build A Hand Operated Water Pump For Less Than Fifty Dollars For The Homestead!

  • If you want to make your homestead even more self-sufficient, then you can build this amazing and inexpensive water pump!

    Almost every homesteader dreams about being as self-sufficient as possible. This is because we like to be prepared for anything that might happen. We also like the freedom to live how we want. Finally, for many of us, we feel a great sense of pride being able to accomplish tasks on our own.

    As you know, having a homestead requires hard work and planning. You have to think about how you will get basic things like food and water. If you want a way to have plenty of water without needing electricity, then this hand operated water pump is what you have been looking for. It works great and the best part is, it can be build for less than fifty dollars. This way you can not only get the water you need but save money too!

    We have compiled for you on the next page a video that shows you exactly how this was accomplished. 

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