Easily Light A Fire Anywhere With These Dyno-Matches

  • One of the most basic and essential survival skills any wilderness junkie should have is the ability to start a fire. We forget how important warmth and light is until the sun starts to go down. Even in the summertime, a fire is crucial to keeping wildlife away and for fully cooking your food.

    At the same time, though, starting a fire isn't exactly the easiest task to accomplish. There are plenty of things that can keep the spark from flying: wind, wet dirt, the type of wood, the igniter, etc. Instead of hoping that conditions will be optimal to start a fire, we can turn to a DIY project to make a more reliable fire starter.

    Continue on to learn how to make dyno-matches in 4 steps!

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    One Comment;

    1. Harold Mcdermott said:

      And whats wrong with a Bic lighter? You can drop it in the water dry it off and it still works!


